Allowing higher ed eLearning professionals to network regularly via Twitter.

#DistEd Chat Explained

Participate in #DistEd chat on Twitter weekly

What #DistEd Chat is - #DistEd Chat is a Twitter-based real time weekly chat for anyone involved in eLearning at the community college or university level. This includes course writers, facilitators, instructional designers, eLearning supervisors, etc. #DistEd chat is patterned after #lrnchat.

When and How #DistEd Chat meets - #DistEd Chat meets Wednesdays at 4-5pm PST/7-8pm EST and utilizes the hashtag #DistEd. The best way to participate is to use a Twitter feed program like Tweetchat to read, send, and receive posts as they occur. You will feel more like you are part of a community discussion this way.

Transcripts of #DistEd Chats - #DistEd Chat will also post a transcript of the chat on the Topics page. Transcripts allow follow up by participants, or inclusion in the conversation for those who could not participate live. Live chats do not always leave time for link exploration and more thoughtful commentary.

Topics for #DistEd Chats - #DistEd posts a topic and three questions on this blog 24-48 hours in advance. If you have any suggestions, please leave them as a comment on the Suggestions page.

The process for #DistEd Chats - The process for each #DistEd Chat is below:

1) Share a brief listing of community-developed partipation "rules" and "how to's".
A) Follow @DistEdchat on Twitter
B) RT upcoming chats often to help build the community.
C) Use #DistEd hashtag on all posts during the chat.
D) RT questions during chat to help late arrivals catch up.
E) RT interesting resources and comments so they extend to your own followers and help build community.
F) Humor is appreciated - the wittier, the better!
G) Throughout the week include #DistEd hashtag on tweets when you have a great resource to share that #DistEd'ers can use!
H)Admin reserves to right to block those who abuse standard netiquette behavior.

2) Participant introductions

3) Attaboys, announcements, latest discoveries (promote your accomplishments)

4) Questions 1-3 spread out approximately every 15 minutes.

5) Pleas for help with specific issues, research, etc.

6) Wrap Up